We’re really pleased to announce that Quanta is now an official tech partner of OroCommerce!!


What is OroCommerce, you ask?

OroCommerce is Oro Inc.‘s new disruptive platform, specifically designed for BtoB ecommerce websites.

This CMS easily integrates with applications, CRMs, PIM tools, or any other useful ecommerce software. It’s a complete platform that offers native CMS tools, managing solutions, and configurations to make life easier for mid to large-sized companies.

Moreover, it is a solution that relies heavily on the power of open-source technology, and community contributions, for its betterment.

What does this partnership represent for Quanta?

First, we believe that OroCommerce and QUANTA are like-minded companies. We admire the level of expert thinking, technological progress, and BtoB orientation that OroCommerce embodies. So much so that we initiated the creation of OroWiki, a blog for OroCommerce’s enthusiasts and experts.

Considering this, we believe that the emerchants that come to OroCommerce for its cutting-edge technology, could be interested in managing and optimizing their web performance with QUANTA.

Thus, this partnership is an incredible opportunity, both in terms of technology and reach, simply because it has a true potential of emulation.

As Romain Lamaison, our CEO says : “It’s not about innovation, it’s about revolution.”. And working with OroCommerce is an opportunity, not only to push further the boundaries of disruptive technology, but also to shape tomorrow’s ecommerce world.